Our Projects in Africa: Cameroon (2008)
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Constituted: 12th of September 1995
Inscripción Registro Nacional: 25 de octubre de 1995
Número nacional: 160.003 - CIF G 81295032
Zerca y Lejos is an NGO which since 2008 has been soliciting support from RSF to develop communication projects in Cameroon. In this third phase, selected by our cooperating Asurmendi -EA2COL- Javier and his wife Pilar Azcona, has expanded coverage Communications Network RSF already installed in 2008. This communication network is vital to provide the Zerca and Away due helps health centers Bengbis, Mekas, Nbometa, Olembe, Evindissi, Djoum and Mintom.

The objective of Phase III of Cameroon project was conducted in February 2012 was one part repair equipment and facilities were installed in upstream and otherwise equip the different centers with additional equipment extending the communications network and allowing available two vehicles with transmission equipment for mobile performance in the area.

The scope of the project is:

Install radio equipment (antennas, equipment and power systems) in the towns of:

  • Bengbis
  • Dispensary Nbometa (and a support vehicle)
  • Djoum
  • Mintom

You can download  the complete project report here  (17.5Mb). You can also see a short video on our TV Channel and photos Javier, EA2COL has made during the trip in the gallery of photos, Project 66

"Phase III" (2012) Project #66